President of GC KORTROS

Our planning horizon is years,
and pertaining to some projects –
decades. We have long-term loans
and long-term project financing.

It allows avoiding many difficulties connected with macroeconomic situation. That’s exactly why we are trusted by large investors and ordinary customers. Contact our partners and you will find confirmation: we work with the leading world architectural offices, developers, subcontractors and suppliers. The largest banks trust us and our clients.

areas of

years in the
property market


mln sq.m have
been built

We have been in the business for 19 years. Every year we expand our presence and gain new knowledge to boost performance.

Today Kortos is a powerful brand associated with high quality and reliability. Construction sites in Moscow used to be merely a dream but presently we are in charge of five big projects in the city. All these achievements became possible due to the expertise and healthy ambitions of our team, a highly efficient business model, stability and predictability of social policy.

We have seen a lot in the past 19 years. The experience we got is our most valuable asset. It helps us feel the importance of the present and be optimistic about the future.

We are really among the few in the market who promote Public Private Partnership projects. Integrated territory development. We have not only developed and implemented a fundamentally new approach, but we have also become innovators in this promising area, having offered absolutely unique projects of green and power effective construction and filling of space with social infrastructure. KORTROS Group of Companies, and it is a Group exactly – with well-defined and clear structure, has never been selling just square meters.

It's Time
to Change

To your advantage

Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the official website of GC KORTROS. We are acquainted already. KORTROS is the successor of a well-known Russian company. The plain fact is we grew up, and time has come to change. To your advantage.

8 800 770 74 47
Free in Russia
My city:
Saint Petersburg
8 800 770 74 47
Free in Russia
8 495 933 99 31
8 812 380 84 57
Saint Petersburg
8 343 305 00 77
8 342 215 57 75
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